Pick Pocket Badge | NBA 2K22

Pick Pocket Badge

Pick Pocket has been relatively useless in the past but on 2k22 release players immediately reported this badge as being quite effective this year. After steals were initially incredibly easy they were eventually toned down by the 2k dev team. However, Pick Pocket is a top defensive badge of 2k22.

Pick Pocket Badge Description

Pick Pocket Increases the chances of a steal and reduces the chances of a foul when attempting to strip the ball from a ball handler. Also improves the chances of a successful layup strips.

Badge Unlock Levels

Bronze 156 Steal
Silver 372 Steal
Gold 586 Steal
Gold 488 Steal
HoF 696 Steal
HoF 598 Steal

2K22 Get More Steals with Pick Pocket

Testing pick pocket was as simple as allowing a dribbler with 85 ball control and silver unpluckable do standing dribbles while we attempted to steal the ball. We did 200 attempts at each badge level.

Pick Pocket Badge Logo | NBA 2k22
Badge LevelPluck %
Hall of Fame14%

2k22 Top Defensive Badges : Pick Pocket ?

As you can see the boost for Hall of Fame pick pocket is massive and absolutely worth targeting. Playing with Hall of Fame pick pocket is incredibly fun this year as well. However, use your steal attempts wisely or your teammates will hate you for always being out of position.


B Tier

The season 2 patch was devastating to Pick Pocket. On Ball locks still need it but everyone else can skip it.

Recommended Level: Hall of Fame


B Tier

The season 2 patch was devastating to Pick Pocket. On Ball locks still need it but everyone else can skip it.

Recommended Level: Hall of Fame

2k22 pick pocket results graphic
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