Chase Down Artist | NBA 2K22

Chase Down Artist Badge

Chase down artist is a great badge for pretty much all builds in this years version of the game. The animations this badge unlocks are absolutely worth targeting as the badge activates frequently and in an opportune way.

Chase Down Artist Badge Description

Chase Down Artist boosts the speed and leaping ability of a player when he is chasing down an offensive player in anticipation of a block attempt.

Badge Unlock Levels

Bronze 157 Block
Silver 370 Block
Gold 578 Block
Gold 480 Block
HoF 688 Block
HoF 594 Block

Top Defensive Badges 2k22: Chase Down Artist

To test chase down artist we did our best to recreate the exact same chase down blocks at each badge level and then do a comparison of the number of frames it takes for each animation to complete. However, I don't think that the percentages that resulted really amount to anything reliable as recreating the animations exactly proved to be pretty difficult.

Should I use Chase Down Artist?

Yes, pretty much every single build should be using chase down artist on bronze. Bronze unlocks the chase down animations and triggers them pretty much every time you are in a chase down situation. The difference between bronze and hall of fame is related to the speed the animation occurs and the amount of distance it covers. However, the differences between each badge level are not significant enough to make it worth going past bronze.

Defensive badge points can be used in so many good ways that spending them to improve an already pretty good animation is not the best idea.

Chase Down Artist | 2k22


S Tier

The return on bronze is insane. Take it on bronze.

Recommended Level: Bronze


S Tier

The return on bronze is insane. Take it on bronze.

Recommended Level: Bronze

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